Client Love + Success Stories

DESTINY BY DESIGN SHOULD BE required education for the world!
Before this course, I didn't really consider the Big Picture of my Life, I just focused on the day to day things and I was always frustrated because nothing really changed. I felt insane and I realize that most people are insane because of this one thing, especially people who don’t want to work on themselves and invest into self development, wow, really mental, I tell you!
I still hear Erika saying “Did you know that if you keep repeating the same habits & patterns expecting different results, that is the definition of INSANITY!”
I discovered so many obvious things about myself, my life and EVERYTHING inside of this course is COMMON SENSE. I actually told Erika that she should receive a Nobel Peace Prize and turn this Master-class into required education for the world!
At the very least the coaching lessons, ayurveda, feng shui, and astrology, not everyone is ready for plant medicine so that can be optional, but the coaching lessons are phenomenal! If I told you all of the breakthroughs and how much my life has changed, you would be reading a long BOOK! So I will save you the trouble and just say, don’t wait, just run to this course and go through everything with detail, try it all and go be a better person! You will be a better and more fulfilled human after this radical experience!

Oliver, London, UK
Feeling the love

Stephanie, Chicago, USA
I always had amazing business ideas that I never implemented. I now know not to forsake my dreams. I now know how to balance my life to live a fulfilled, joyous life! As a mentor to young college students, I will pass on this wisdom. I am grateful to have gone through the Destiny by Design Master-class and I know that my life will just keep getting better! Bless you Erika Walton and please don't ever stop empowering people, it is your gift!

Tatiana, NYC, USA
Destiny by Design became a Life-Line and kept me engaged in my life and how great it could be and already was. Many lessons were challenging, but had me grow the most!
Thank you for creating such a wonderful course and inspiring me to WAKE UP from my hazy dream! Thank you for empowering me to see bigger and brighter!
The impossible IS possible.

Arielle, CA, USA.
I'm incredibly grateful for everything I’ve learned inside this course. Every facet of Destiny By Design has supported me throughout my journey and continues to help me balance my mind and body.
I would recommend this Master-class to anyone who wants to commit to working on themselves. Whether it’s healing the past or learning new ways to balance the mind and body!

I finally feel free!
“Let me start with, I am not that type of person who thinks “I need to work on myself”, I am not into self development, Gurus or life-coaches, New Age Spirituality, dogmatic Religion or any other hullabaloo!
I don’t have “major problems”, my parents were fine, my childhood was good by the “standard” measure, do you get me, I was normal and I liked it that way. I didn’t want to be “powerful” or “extraordinary” or grow as a person, I wanted to blend into the crowd.
I had a relative do the Destiny by Design Master-class and she didn’t rub it in anyone's face or try to convince anyone to do it, but how she changed was obvious to the entire family in so many ways.
She was not fearful anymore of current world affairs & viruses, she became healthy and was glowing, she quit her job and started a business that was bringing her a lot of money and making a difference in the world, her marriage improved, and more. Eventually I signed up, only because I wanted to understand what she learned. People used to tell me that I was a closed minded type of person, unless there is evidence and facts, I am into science and I don’t believe in God or anything. Erika lovingly told me to “empty out my tea-cup of the knowing-ness” and guided me to try it all on, so I did, for the first time in my life I tried “it all on” I did Ayurveda, Astrology, Plant Medicine, Feng Shui, I did all of the coaching lessons and practiced all of the “Lifework”!
I don’t know how to really explain Destiny by Design or Erika, it is literally an experience, once you start, you won't be the same person as you leave and you definitely don’t want to ever go back, it actually reminds me of that Matrix movie, red or blue pill? I guess I am “red pilled” now and in the simplest form I feel free, I still live a normal life but I feel balanced, I believe in a Higher Power now and not because Erika shares this, but I actually experienced God or whatever this higher power is, it is bigger and greater than me and I have a newfound respect for it. I realize that science is not the only way nor is it always correct because humans are “perfect in the imperfection” and nobody has all of the “right” answers.
If you are a “skeptical type of normal person”, like me, you should do this course because you will learn why and how you are skeptical, you will learn that it is a Story and that you wear a metaphorical mask to hide your authentic self to the world, ultimately you will see how you are trapped just like anyone else. Stop it, get free and stay free, be the change in the world that you complain about! Thank you Erika!”

I am grateful to have gone through this program and now I can die peacefully!
Last summer, my granddaughter and I were enjoying a glass of sweet tea on the porch when she confronted me about my negative attitude. She called me a “complainy pants” and suggested I take a coaching class that she had recently completed, and I could learn how to be more grateful about my life. Although I was initially taken aback by her frankness, I realized that she might be onto something. After all, what did I have to lose by trying it out? I agreed to give the course a shot, even though I wasn't very comfortable with technology. Thankfully, my granddaughter offered to assist me throughout the course, and she's even writing this review for me!
Throughout the class, I had the opportunity to reflect on my beliefs, my family, my purpose, and my legacy. I was amazed by how much I had seen and experienced throughout my life, including births, deaths, health challenges, and lessons learned. Erika, the coach who led the course, helped me examine each of these experiences in a simple and spiritual way. As a Christian, I was pleased to find that the course enhanced my relationship with God, rather than changing it. I now find myself talking less so that I can listen more intently to God's voice.
Overall, this course helped me shift my perspective to focus on the positive aspects of my life, rather than feeling like a victim to my past experiences. As a result, I now approach sharing my "life stories" with my family with gratitude, rather than resentment. I only wish I had taken this course when I was younger, as it would have saved me a lot of regret. I encourage everyone to take risks, be bold and brave, and to live life to the fullest. And if you're considering this course, don't hesitate - if a 98-year-old like me can do it, so can you!

My clients gain real results!
I am committed to helping my clients achieve tangible and impactful results
that make a real difference in their lives.
My dedication and passion drive me to go above and beyond to support you and all of my clients in achieving their transformational goals.
With my guidance and support, you can be confident that you will see real and lasting progress towards the life-changing results you desire!
I'm ready for my Transformation
Marcy, WI, USA
Destiny by Design reminds you that the goal in life is to be happy and not just to be rich and if you become rich, then use it to better the world!
I'm proud of all my clients & honored to be a part of their transformation

Jessica, FL, USA
It's 100% effective!
Destiny by Design is a life-changing master-class that requires dedication and hard work, but the results are beyond rewarding.
Erika Walton's teachings are profound and have shifted my perspective on life.
Through this course, I gained a new understanding of what is possible and how to achieve it. It opened up new doors for me and helped me explore un-visited concepts about my life purpose. Thank you, Erika, for your generosity and compassion. I am grateful for the positive changes this course has brought me.
More Courageous Clients
Deep Healing
I almost committed suicide, but was unexpectedly introduced to Erika Walton.
I owe my life to Erika Walton. While she would insist that I saved myself by making a choice, I know that her intervention and God's hand played a critical role in my survival. The night I received an unexpected call from Erika, I was on the brink of taking my own life.
Six months earlier, my cousin had completed Destiny by Design course and had transformed into a completely different person. Seeing the enormous change in her, I reached out to Erika as I battled depression. Despite feeling a connection with her during our call, I wasn't ready to confront my wounds at that time, and it seemed easier to wallow in my misery.
Fast forward six months, and my depression had plunged to an all-time low, I decided to end my life. I am literally about to take a bottle of painkillers, a bottle of vodka and slit my wrists. I honestly cannot explain why, or how, but I call it a divine intervention, as I am about to swallow my first pill, I get a phone call from Erika Walton!!!!
She says, “Hi Suzy, I was guided to call you and I felt it was urgent, sorry it is late but The Divine said to call, so I am calling you, whats up girl! How is life?”
I sobbed to her about what I was doing, gonna kill myself, and she says in a loving but firm way, that she has been there and done that but that is not on the agenda to die today.
After completing Destiny by Design, I emerged as a completely transformed woman, and my son has a mother. I now have goals and dreams that I never thought possible before Erika's intervention. I have a deeper understanding of what truly matters in life, and I am determined to be a positive influence on the world around me. I constantly strive to better myself and improve as a person, and I will never stop being a beacon of positivity for anyone I encounter on my journey.

Suzy, NY, USA

Laura, CA, USA
I randomly met Erika at the grocery store and then my life changed!
Before discovering Erika and her Destiny by Design course, I disliked all of my previous jobs (8 jobs in 3 years) and found it difficult to make progress with self-improvement courses. I even started searching for a life coach to help me. While Erika doesn't consider herself a "life coach", she has a special and magical ability to help people like me to transform their lives.
I met her in line at the grocery store and was drawn to her unique communication style. After learning about Destiny by Design, I knew I had to work with her!
After completing the course, I gained clarity about my purpose and created a business that allows me to travel the world. I am grateful for the transformational impact it had on my life and have a renewed sense of life.

Felicia, Los Angeles, CA, USA
I met Erika Walton years ago at Landmark Education, I have witnessed her grow immensely and this is exactly why I chose to do her Destiny by Design course!
I started doing self-development 10 years prior, I am not a newbie of transformational courses and programs.
What is different about Destiny by Design is it gives you a layout to transform each area of life. I have been estranged from my family for over 20 years. I won't waste time going into detail but I will say this unknowingly has impacted every area of my life, especially in the areas of friendships and a relationship with a partner.
Simply put, I have healed my relationship with my entire family! I know I was a very stubborn participant in every course I have done and Erika would not tolerate my BS. She didn’t give up on me though and demonstrated the love I always wanted from my mother, except Erika is half my age, hahaha! She is an old soul! I also met the partner of my dreams and we are setting the date for a wedding.
I encourage everyone to do the Destiny by Design course, and come away with a new version of yourself, who knows, you may like yourself better than before, I know I did…